The Institut für angewandte Forschung (Institute for applied research) supports by
- Coordination and/or support of legal, approval and environmentally compliant implementation of construction projects
- Development and realization of technical innovations, compatible with human beings and the environment
- Economic optimization of projects, taking into account the technical standards, legal prerequisites and the existing environmental requirements
- Analysis of inventory data of aquatic communities and derivation of monitoring and management measures as well as economic planning.
The Institut für angewandte Forschung (Institute for applied research) or its executive manager initiated and accompanied research, among others, in the following areas
- Development of optimized concepts for inspections of technical plants
- Optimization of technologies for the reduction of noise emissions during the installation of foundations
- Development of alternative and resource-saving ecological acquisition methods
- Investigation of the relevance of environmental parameters for reproduction, nutrition, growth and migration of organisms (fish)
- Acquisition of migration events of fish with the help of microchemical analyses of their bone structures
- Identification of the influence
of underwater noise on fish.